
Social Media for Design Agencies: Managing Your Clients' Social Media Accounts

Date: Monday: September 22, 2014
Where: Noble Desktop | 594 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 | View Map
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost: 1 free ticket for members, $25.00 for non-members

You probably manage your own personal and business social media accounts but how do you manage your clients' accounts? Are you struggling to manage multiple logins, platforms, as well as create, curate, and manage content? At this Spark event, we'll dive in to how to create content and manage social media accounts for your clients. We'll discuss what agency-level tools are available to help you automate tasks and manage accounts from one location. We'll also examine how to adapt your client's content for different platforms for optimal results. Finally, we'll look at what tools to use to measure and interpret social media return on investment. We'll also discuss how to communicate those (often nuanced) results to your clients.

Noelle Cantarano is a digital strategist at Lippe Taylor, an award-winning marketing and public relations agency specializing in marketing to women. As a digital strategist, she develops social media strategies for Elizabeth Arden, Cetaphil and other beauty/skin care brands. She has also worked with Burger King, Best Buy and T-Mobile among others. Noelle believes in being social, not doing social.

Video From This Event

Noelle Cantarano is a digital strategist with Lippe Taylor and she helps us learn more about managing social media accounts for our clients. She shares some best practices in managing multiple social media accounts for multiple clients. Noelle also talks about ways to stay organized during the process as well as the best practices in reporting the results as to why. This video was conducted at a Spark Design Professionals event held at Noble Desktop in NYC. Thank you to Lou Leonardis of Trillion for volunteering to interview Noelle.