
Spark Studio - Mucca Design

Sep 2011
Date: Tuesday: September 20, 2011
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (6:30pm time to chat, 7pm discussion begins )
Cost: 1 free ticket for members, $15.00 for non-members

Join us for a very special Spark Studio visit with Matteo Bologna of Mucca Design, as he shares his insights on running his design studio. Particular emphasis will be placed on his business practices, like building client relationships and achieving a work/life balance.

Born and raised in Milan, Italy, Matteo's education in architecture, graphic design, illustration and typography facilitated his early business successes and inspired his decision to create a New York agency. The designs and typography produced by Matteo and the Mucca Design team have been widely recognized by industry publications, competitions and exhibitions, including: AIGA, Communication Arts, The Art Directors Club, The James Beard Foundation, and The Type Directors Club. Some of his clients include: Adobe, Balthazar, Rizzoli, Sant Ambroeus, Schiller’s, and Target.

Seating is limited, so RSVP early!

Moderated by: Laura Berkowitz Gilbert 

Laura Berkowitz Gilbert is Principal of Boomerang Studio, a graphic design firm that listens to clients' needs and crafts solutions that are purposeful, strategic and unique. Simply put: "Be heard. Be seen."

Video From This Event

Matteo Bologna of Mucca Design shares advice about jump-starting and growing your design business based on his personal experience. Spark is a group of independent graphic design professionals who meet each month to enlighten each other on the business and creative issues that are relevant to design studios. http://www.sparkdesignprofessionals.org

Photos From This Event