Spark Workshop: Public Speaking for Design Business Owners
Where: Noble Desktop | 594 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 | View Map
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (6:30 pm time to chat; 7:00 pm discussion begins)
Cost: 1 free ticket for members, $15.00 for non-members
As graphic designers, we know how to communicate visually. But does the idea of presenting in front of your client make you break out in a cold sweat? Maybe you've considered presenting at conferences but don't think you're public speaking skills are up to par? Between our clients and the design community, we are constantly being assessed by our ability to present ourselves, our companies, and our work.
A far cry from your old art school critiques, public speaking and presentation skills are indispensable business assets. Don't miss this Spark event with public speaking coach Jezra Kaye, founder of Speak Up for Success and author of Speak Like Yourself…No, Really! Follow Your Strengths and Skills to Great Presentations and co-author of Managing the Unmanageable: How to Motivate Even the Most Unruly Employee.
In this interactive workshop, you'll learn how to communicate more effectively and have the opportunity to work on your public speaking skills in a small group setting.
In addition to being an author, Jezra has worked with Fortune 100 companies, led organizational workshops, and has helped hundreds of clients improve their public speaking skills.
Speak Like Yourself...No, Really! Follow Your Strengths and Skills to Great Public Speaking is like a fun, easy-to-follow course on public speaking and will reinforce and extend what you learn from Jezra's live presentation, so that you can keep getting better at speaking effectively with clients and others. The book will be available for sale at the event at a special price for Spark members!