Spark Announces New President

Dear Sparker,
Spark Design Professionals has been producing educational and inspiring events for nearly 20 years and I hope that you have enjoyed them as much as I have. As a longtime board member, it has been an honor to serve as President of Spark for the past two years.
As my term as President comes to an end, I am excited to announce that longtime board member and Creative Director of Ultravirgo, Patrick Durgin-Bruce, will lead Spark Design Professionals into the new decade as President. He has been dedicated to volunteering his time for Spark, and has been instrumental in getting some of the most respected talent to open their doors and share behind-the-scenes insights with us. I am excited to see what Patrick is able to achieve in this role.
I am also happy to announce the addition of LeAnna Weller Smith, Executive Creative Director of Weller Smith Design, to the board of Spark. She has been volunteering for over a year, and has organized some exciting events for 2020.
Spark has a special place in my heart. I became a member when I first started my design business. I met my business partner at Spark. And it has improved by business acumen to help us grow our company to five people. For this I am grateful. I will remain on the board of Spark, and look forward to the next decade of the organization.
Over the years, many wonderful and energetic volunteers have collaborated and used their business connections to get the most highly regarded consultants and design talent as Spark guests and speakers. It is a unique organization that focuses on the business of owning a design company. Spark teaches us things unavailable anywhere else, and being a member is the best bargain in NYC. For 2020, our volunteers have worked hard to bring you more events to help you continually improve and grow your business. If you’re interested in helping out, or have any suggestions or input, feel free to email me directly at or Patrick at at any time.
On behalf of the entire Spark board of directors, I hope you will join us in learning and sharing your experiences as well as welcoming Patrick and LeAnna. I hope to see you at a coming event!
Lou LeonardisÂ
Partner, Creative Director at Trillion