
Spark Workshop: Beyond Prospecting

Date: Tuesday: January 13, 2015
Where: Noble Desktop | 594 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 | View Map
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (6:30pm time to network, 7pm discussion begins )
Cost: 1 free ticket for members, $25.00 for non-members

After networking successfully with a prospect, you've been called to discuss an upcoming project! But how do you conduct the sales process? How do you lead the conversation? How do you come in within their budget? Learn how to navigate this whole process so that it’s authentic to you, your business and meets everyone’s needs. 

In this interactive workshop participants will create a unique sales script that is authentic to them and their business. Participants will also have the opportunity to mock a sales conversation and get live feedback and coaching.

A new mindset around sales will be created. One that allows for the deal to close naturally and authentically.

This workshop will be led by Gary Montalvo of Latitude Coaching. Gary is an international business and leadership coach, and the founder of Latitude Coaching. A coaching practice committed to empowering the performance of entrepreneurs in all areas of their lives, but most of all having a few laughs along the way.